Legendary Zanzibar

It's something the younger gay generation can't imagine, but there was a time when there were no Grindr or similar apps to meet gay people. There was a time when you had to be in the right place at the right time for that. These places were said to be "the place to be".

One of these places in Benidorm was Zanzibar. A legendary show bar that is still talked about today, even though it has been closed for years and there is now an ordinary apartment building on this site.

Image by YouTube

The host Philip and his guest stars treated the visitors to a funny drag or travesty show. With a lot of dedication, artists such as Shirley Bassey, Diana Ross, Liza Minnelli, and many others were seamlessly imitated, or sometimes not, and they became a hilarious parody. It was the place to be after midnight to have fun and especially see everyone who was in Benidorm at the time, and why not, who was looking around for a new love affair. After the show, everyone went to their favorite night bar to continue their holiday until the early hours, with our without their newly discovered friends.

Unfortunately, such places no longer exist in Benidorm and even in the rest of the world. This is mainly due to the introduction of the mobile internet and the smartphone with its mighty built-in camera. It's a pity, in a way it was a glorious time. But if you want you can still find some of the magic back on YouTube. On the other hand, there are now some other bars that are trying to bring the atmosphere back the old-fashioned way, one of them is Kafee Klee.
