Tuesday the 13th is an unlucky day in Spain

Are you in Spain and a bit superstitious? Then watch out because Tuesday the 13th is an unlucky day in Spain. This day can be compared to Friday the 13th in the rest of the world but on a Tuesday. Especially for those who have a superstition, a day like today can turn out badly.

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Tuesday the 13th is an unlucky day in Spain, but apparently, nobody really knows where that unlucky day comes from. Is it the legends, the culture or does it have to do with religion. A commonly used term on an unlucky day is “trezdidavomartiofobia”, a mouthful. In addition, there is a saying which says "En Martes, ni te cases, ni te embarques, ni de tu casa te apartes" which means "On Tuesday you do not get married, you do not travel and you do not leave home".

Tuesday the 13th probably has its origins far in history, as there is the fact that in June 1276 the city of Xàtiva in Valencia was taken by the Moors. But of course, it could also be that the number 13 refers to the bible where 13 persons were present at the last supper, the 13th was Judas, the traitor or it can also refer to the “apocalipsis” in chapter 13. The origin of Tuesday. The 13th may also be related to the fall of the city of Constantinople on May 29, 1453, a Tuesday. Either way, you should be extra careful on a Tuesday 13th in Spain. You never know!
