Fallas 2024: Benidorm Ignites with Tradition and Celebration

Benidorm, the vibrant coastal city in Spain's Alicante province, transforms each March with the arrival of the iconic Fallas festival. This unique celebration, deeply rooted in Valencian tradition, brings a whirlwind of color, satire, music, and joyous revelry to Benidorm's streets. In 2024, Fallas will ignite the city from March 15th to the 19th with an unforgettable display of art, tradition, and festive spirit.

Picture by Harry Fabel

What is Fallas?

The Fallas festival is a celebration of Saint Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. At its heart lies the creation of elaborate, towering sculptures known as "fallas." These intricate, often satirical constructions are made of papier-mâché, wood, and other materials.  Throughout the festival, they adorn Benidorm's streets, adding a touch of humor and playful critique to the atmosphere. The festival culminates on the final night in a spectacular ritual known as "La Cremà," where the Fallas are ceremoniously set ablaze, transforming the city into a fiery spectacle.

Fallas 2024 in Benidorm: Key Events

La Plantà (March 15th): The excitement begins as the magnificent fallas are erected throughout the city. Witness the vibrant creations take their places, transforming Benidorm into a whimsical outdoor art gallery.

Ofrenda de Flores (March 17th - 18th):  Join the breathtaking floral procession in honor of the Virgin Mary. Participants in traditional Valencian costumes create a tapestry of colors as they offer stunning floral tributes.

Picture by Harry Fabel

Mascletàs (Daily at 2 pm):  Feel the ground rumble and your senses ignite during the daily mascletàs. These electrifying displays of rhythmic firecracker explosions fill the city with a thrilling soundtrack.

Street Parties and Live Music: Each night, Benidorm's streets pulsate with energy. Enjoy live music performances, traditional dances, and the joyous spirit of celebration. Partake in the lively atmosphere and experience the city's infectious energy.

La Cremà (March 19th):  The festival reaches its fiery climax. Witness the majestic Fallas being set ablaze in a breathtaking display of light and artistry. As the sculptures burn, the city crackles with an unforgettable energy.

Experience the Magic of Falles

The Fallas of Benidorm offers a unique and immersive cultural experience. Benidorm's festive spirit, combined with the traditions of the Falles, makes it a must-see event. Let yourself be swept away by the dazzling displays of art, the rhythmic explosion of mascletàs, and the contagious energy that engulfs the city. 

Plan Your Visit

Make the most of Fallas 2024 in Benidorm by planning ahead. Book your accommodation early, and explore the city's vibrant atmosphere, beautiful beaches, and diverse attractions. Embrace the spirit of Falles and create unforgettable memories in the heart of Benidorm.
